At the top: Gisele, Laetitia*, Caroline*, Rodrigo*
In the middle: Dominique*, Laurence, Janaina
At the bottom: Hugo, Mathias*, Pablo
(* students who participated only last year)
Behind: Nikolai, Raphael P.R., Pablo
Bottom: René and Joseph
Behind: Audrey, Eleonora and Andrea
Lower: Laurence and Janaina
Behind: Vanessa and Marie
Sitting down: Gisele and Charlotte
Mickael, Ghislain and Hugo
Vitor, Nicolas, Guillaume and Roland
Ana Emilia, Cassia, Juliana and Paula
At the bottom: Marianne and Gabriela
Behind: Gianlucca, Patrick R. , Ghuvanpetru
Front: Remy and Pedro
Behind: Guy, Patrick Cherix, Jonathan
Front: Ilan
Behind: Laurene, Camille, Elodie
Front: Fiorella, Nathalie and Dariella
Behind: Marc, Raphael C. and Christophe
Front: Sergio
Jean Claude and Caroline...late to class
getting books from the locker...
Behind: Celine, Sophie, Carolina and Tatiana
Front: Heloisa
Behind: Eloise, Fanny, Alexandra, Eva
Front: Caroline and Camila
Behind: Edgard, Felipe, Danilo and Jean Claude
Front: Olivier and Benny
Behind: Philip, Raphael A., Fernando
Front: Julio and Adrien